
martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Avis + Stan 23 Enero 2012

This is not the first time I do photography on a vows renewal, but it is definately the first time I blog about it, Avis & Stan after 20 years of marriage, came to Puerto Vallarta to tell each other how much they love and how much more they are willing to do for the other so this love continue growing and growin each day more...!!

Esta no es a primera vez que hago fotografia en una renovacion de votos, pero definitivamente es la primera vez que hago una entrada en el blog de esto, Avis & Stan, despues de 20 agnos de matrimonio, vinieron a Puerto Vallarta para decirse el uno al otro, lo mucho que se aman y lo mucho que estan dispuestos a hacer el uno al otro para que su amor continue creciendo cada vez mas...!!

Not the most common kind of sunset they enjoyed

I guess after 20 years, the entrance is still something special..!!

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Trash The Dress - L+G 16ENE2012

Desde las platicas previas a su boda lorraine ya habia mencionado que tenia un segundo vestido para hacer su sesion TTD durante el sunset, los dias habian estado nublados por lo que lo reagendamos unos cuantos dias despues de su boda hasta que vimos un sunset perfecto...!!

Right from the first chats before the wedding, Lorraine mentioned that she had bring a second dress for their sunset TTD session, there were some cloudy days so we rescheduled until we saw one perfect...!!

Feel the nature and magic around you

Dress and Tie

We could be heroes...just one day

Lorraine said they look like hippos...kissing hippos..!!

Did you noticed that Lorraine never lost or drop her glasses..??

sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

Cayla & Dale 11 Enero 2012

OMG that I had a blast at this wedding, I even dream with a picture over night, I love their sense of simplicity, humor and lay backness that Cayla and Dale shared with every guest on their special day...!!

Me la pase genial en esta boda, hasta soñe con una foto unos dias antes, , me encanto su sentido de la simplicidad, humor y alivianes que compartieron con cada invitado en su dia especial...!!

I want to be a groomsmen on a wedding and receive an engrabed zippo..!!

Bad ass guys...!!

The love is the poetry of the senses

You can imagine what the gift was...!!
